ART: Writing just to Write
I miss writing for the sake of writing. Usually when I write these days, it is to share something I’m creating or selling, something I am inviting people to attend. Which I love to do of course, but it’s SO different!
Tonight I saw a memory on Facebook of this blog post I made 7 years ago today. I was about 2 years into my blog at that point.
It had me start to ponder, why don’t I write like that anymore? What changed?? When did I stop?
Doesn’t it seem amazing that blogs were a “thing”?? Maybe they still are and I just don’t know?? Now I (and I would imagine most people I know, or at least when I see what people are doing on their phone it seems to be this) find that I’m just scrolling through endless posts, barely reading past a paragraph or two, and swiping through endless stories.
Gone are the days of deep reflective contemplative spill my insides out writing for me. It feels very commercialism/consumerist - like how do I know that people will care anymore about a post I write in 3 minutes versus a very intimate sharing of my inner world?
So in that spirit, this post is of the later. One of my words for the year is ART. When people used to ask me if I was an artist, without hesitation I would respond “Yes of course, I am a writer and a dancer!”
Those art forms seem far away to me at the moment, so tonight when this idea started coming through, rather than scroll some more I decided to WRITE.
I pray to the muses and to myself that this year I will write more just for the sake of writing.
And to me that is really just a way to share myself so maybe you will feel seen yourself. That you feel what I feel in your own way. Or that you’ll be inspired, or fascinated, or at minimum distracted from your own scrolling for a little while to extend your attention muscle again.